As an industry, apparel is an interesting one. It is rapidly evolving and at the same time, exciting! Hence the planners need to stay up-to-date with the changing consumer behavioural patterns, fads, and fashion, the requirement to make multiple channels happy, and finding a way to integrate everything. In today’s dynamic market, the apparel industry has to overcome such complex challenges to perform to the best of its abilities. This will require it to streamline its operations which will help produce blooming supply chain results.
Here are a few of the ways in which the apparel logistics or supply chain can gear up for peak performance:
1. Say no to long-range plans
It is a common tendency to extend your spreadsheets and lay your plans out wide which might cover a huge time span. However, during this duration a lot of ups and downs are highly likely to take place such as the changes in fashion trends, changing weather patterns, or even regional events that can put things on a setback. Thus, a long-term plan might not be a feasible option right now given the fact that we already had the most unprecedented year last year, the effects of which are still continuing in the current year. Hence a well-integrated plan that focuses on the present and individual goals to attain the supply chain’s overall goals would be the most feasible thing to do right now. Hence one plan that seamlessly integrates your overall organization and helps focus on the present is what you need currently!
• Make use of the best-in-class technology
Just as is the case with the supply chain of every industry in the current era, technology has become the oxygen for survival. To integrate all the operations of various departments, technology is very much important. Again, it is useful in providing end-to-end visibility to coordinate better. Even if you highly trust and find convenient the old-school approach of maintaining spreadsheets and undertaking manual labour, technical help should not be overlooked at all. Successful logistics give equal importance to people, process and technology,
• Focus on your in-season performance
Reducing stock-outs is your goal and for this, it is extremely important that you focus on your in-season excellence. How can this be achieved? For this, you need to enlarge the availability of fast-moving items and reduce the quantities for slow-moving ones. This, in turn, will compel your consumers to experience that sense of urgency where they will end up buying things in the present instead of waiting for a mark-down. Exciting, isn’t it?
Decreasing your overall inventory and focusing on the now is a way for the apparel industry to move forward, thereby bringing about an overall innovation across the entire organization and helping in the supply chain management by managing all the inventory. AWL is a perfect place where you can get the logistics management in an amazing way that your business will grow and you will not have to hassle for the supply and storage of the products.